Design: where elegance takes shape

For bottegaventisei, design is not just aesthetics, but an experience. Each creation tells a story, blending bold lines with timeless proportions. Inspired by Italian craftsmanship, our pieces combine sophistication and sustainability, redefining luxury for contemporary living.

Art: the soul of creation

Every object is a masterpiece, born of passion and creativity. At bottegaventisei, art is transformed into tangible beauty, evoking emotions and creating connections between people and spaces. Our designs celebrate the harmony between tradition and innovation, making each piece a symbol of elegance and uniqueness.

Light: a new perspective

Light is at the heart of our creations, guiding the eye towards a new vision of spaces. At our stand, light harmonises with design to reveal hidden details, enhance textures and offer an unparalleled sensory experience. Enter an illuminated world where every ray tells a story.

Entra e scopri il Made in Italy

Lusso ed Eleganza Italiana

bottegaventisei is an idea of Andrea Battivello
Tecnostruttura SRL – Via Crosara, 26 – 36050 ZERMEGHEDO VI -Italy


+39 0444 1240866
